Monday, May 28, 2007

An Evening of Intimate Magic with Eric DeCamps

I am very happy to announce that my best friend, life-long pal, and all-around nice guy, Eric DeCamps, is starring in his own one-man show, back in my old hometown, The Big Apple.

Over the years I have watched Eric develop many of the routines he is performing in this special limited appearance, and I can promise all that attend that Eric will baffle you and leave you wanting more.

You can catch the show on Wednesday evenings through the month of June, at the 3 West Club, in The Lincoln Room, in Rockefeller Center. For info and to read the latest rave reviews, please go visit Eric's site at

And be sure to read the full two-page review of the show, written by Ryan Oakes, in the June issue of Magic Magazine, coming to a magic dealer near you (

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

We've Moved Our Mailing List to!

Please be on the look out for emails from asking you to confirm your subscription to our monthly newsletters. The only way you can continue to receive our newsletters is by opting in again.

While this process is sometimes confusing, it's done for everybody's own good, to prevent misue of email for spamming purposes. We're trying to eliminate dead email addresses from our lists and improve the delivery of our weekly newsletters.

If you are concerned that you've accidentally been removed from a list, drop me an email at